Poipu Sands Poipu Sands 423 Living Room Poipu Sands 423 Living RoomPoipu Sands 423 Living Room Poipu Sands 423 Living RoomPoipu Sands 423 Lanai Poipu Sands 423 LanaiPoipu Sands 423 Dining Area Poipu Sands 423 Dining AreaPoipu Sands 423 Kitchen Poipu Sands 423 KitchenPoipu Sands 423 Kitchen Poipu Sands 423 KitchenPoipu Sands 423 Stairwell to Master Suite Poipu Sands 423 Stairwell to Master SuitePoipu Sands 423 Master Bedroom Poipu Sands 423 Master BedroomPoipu Sands 423 Master Bedroom Poipu Sands 423 Master BedroomPoipu Sands 423 Master Suite Lanai Poipu Sands 423 Master Suite LanaiPoipu Sands 423 Master Bathroom Poipu Sands 423 Master BathroomPoipu Sands 423 Master Bathroom Poipu Sands 423 Master BathroomPoipu Sands 423 Guest Bedroom Poipu Sands 423 Guest BedroomPoipu Sands 423 Guest Bathroom Poipu Sands 423 Guest BathroomPoipu Sands 423 Guest Bathroom Poipu Sands 423 Guest BathroomPoipu Sands 423 Washer & Dryer Poipu Sands 423 Washer & DryerPoipu Sands 423 Entrance Poipu Sands 423 EntrancePoipu Sands Complex Monument at Poipu Kai Resort Poipu Sands Complex Monument at Poipu Kai ResortPoipu Kai Resort Monument Poipu Kai Resort MonumentPoipu Sands Complex Pool Poipu Sands Complex PoolPoipu Kai Resort Grounds Poipu Kai Resort GroundsPoipu Sands Complex Pool Poipu Sands Complex PoolPoipu Kai Resort Pool Poipu Kai Resort PoolPoipu Sands Complex Aerial View Poipu Sands Complex Aerial ViewPoipu Kai Resort - Aerial View Poipu Kai Resort - Aerial ViewPoipu Sands Complex Aerial View Poipu Sands Complex Aerial ViewPathway to Brennecke's and Poipu Beach Pathway to Brennecke's and Poipu BeachPoipu Sands Path to the Beach Poipu Sands Path to the BeachTurtle at Poipu Beach Turtle at Poipu BeachPoipu Sands Complex Grounds Poipu Sands Complex GroundsMonk Seal at Poipu Beach Monk Seal at Poipu BeachPoipu Sands Complex Grounds Poipu Sands Complex GroundsPoipu Beach Poipu BeachPoipu Beach Poipu BeachBrennecke's Beach Brennecke's BeachPathway to Shipwreck Beach Pathway to Shipwreck BeachShipwreck Beach Shipwreck BeachShipwreck Beach Shipwreck BeachSunset Surf Sunset SurfSuite Paradise Office Suite Paradise OfficeSuite-Paradise Office Suite-Paradise OfficeSuite-Paradise Poipu Kai Map Suite-Paradise Poipu Kai MapPoipu Beach Athletic Club Poipu Beach Athletic ClubWailua Falls Wailua FallsLocal Kauai Farmers Market Local Kauai Farmers MarketZipline ZiplineATV Adventures ATV AdventuresKiahuna Golf Course Kiahuna Golf CourseSpouting Horn Spouting HornSpouting Horn Lookout Spouting Horn LookoutBaby Beach Baby BeachHonopu_Beach - Napali Coast North Kauai Honopu_Beach - Napali Coast North KauaiWaimea Canyon- West Kauai Waimea Canyon- West KauaiKilauea Lighthouse - North Kauai Kilauea Lighthouse - North KauaiRainbow at Kalepa Ridge Trial - North Kauai Rainbow at Kalepa Ridge Trial - North Kauai Poipu Sands 423Action Links Request infoBeds/Baths2 BR2 Full Baths6 GuestsSearch AvailabilityViewGarden ViewOcean View