Suite Paradise Poipu Pili Mai 12L Ocean/Mtn Views Pili Mai 12L Fully Equipped KItchen Pili Mai 12L Fully Equipped KItchenPili Mai 12L Stainless Steel Appliances Pili Mai 12L Stainless Steel AppliancesPili Mai 12L Countertop Appliances Pili Mai 12L Countertop AppliancesPili Mai 12L Dining Area Pili Mai 12L Dining AreaPili Mai 12L Spacious Living Area Pili Mai 12L Spacious Living AreaPili Mai 12L Comfortable Furnishings Pili Mai 12L Comfortable FurnishingsPili Mai 12L Open Living, Dining, Kitchen Concept Pili Mai 12L Open Living, Dining, Kitchen ConceptPili Mai 12L Lanai with Dining for 6 Pili Mai 12L Lanai with Dining for 6Pili Mai 12L Ocean view lanai Pili Mai 12L Ocean view lanaiPili Mai 12L Master Suite Pili Mai 12L Master SuitePili Mai 12L Comfortable King Bed Pili Mai 12L Comfortable King BedPili Mai 12L Master Bathroom Pili Mai 12L Master BathroomPili Mai 12L Second Master Suite Pili Mai 12L Second Master SuitePili Mai 12L Second Master Suite with Plush King Bed Pili Mai 12L Second Master Suite with Plush King BedPili Mai 12L Second Master Bathroom Pili Mai 12L Second Master BathroomPili Mai 12L Second Master Vanity Pili Mai 12L Second Master VanityPili Mai 12L Stairwell from Second Floor to Third Pili Mai 12L Stairwell from Second Floor to ThirdPili Mai 12L Guest Suite with Queen Bed Pili Mai 12L Guest Suite with Queen BedPili Mai 12L - Guest Suite also has Queen Pullout Pili Mai 12L - Guest Suite also has Queen PulloutPili Mai 12L Guest Suite with Ocean View on Horizon Pili Mai 12L Guest Suite with Ocean View on HorizonPili Mai 12L Second Guest Suite with Full Size Bunk Bed Pili Mai 12L Second Guest Suite with Full Size Bunk BedPili Mai 12L Second Guest Suite also has Full Pullout Pili Mai 12L Second Guest Suite also has Full PulloutPili Mai 12L Second Guest Suite with Keiki Playhouse Pili Mai 12L Second Guest Suite with Keiki PlayhousePili Mai 12L Keiki Kitchen Pili Mai 12L Keiki KitchenPili Mai 12L Keiki will have fun for hours! Pili Mai 12L Keiki will have fun for hours!Pili Mai 12L - Lots of Books for Keiki to Enjoy Pili Mai 12L - Lots of Books for Keiki to EnjoyPili Mai 12L Guest Bathroom Pili Mai 12L Guest BathroomPili Mai 12L Desk Area and Laundry Room Pili Mai 12L Desk Area and Laundry RoomPili Mai 12L - Laundry Room Pili Mai 12L - Laundry RoomPili Mai 12L Garage with Beach Equipment and Toys Pili Mai 12L Garage with Beach Equipment and ToysPili Mai 12L Stairwell to Second Floor Entry Pili Mai 12L Stairwell to Second Floor EntryPili Mai Building 12 Aerial Pili Mai Building 12 AerialPili Mai 12L Parking Stall Pili Mai 12L Parking StallPili Mai Resort Entry Pili Mai Resort EntryPili Mai Resort Entry Pili Mai Resort EntryPili Mai Resort Pool Pili Mai Resort PoolPili Mai Resort Pool Pili Mai Resort PoolPili Mai Resort Keiki Pool Pili Mai Resort Keiki PoolPili Mai Resort Lounge Area Pili Mai Resort Lounge AreaPili Mai Resort Gym Pili Mai Resort GymPili Mai Resort Gym Pili Mai Resort GymPili Mai Resort BBQ Area Pili Mai Resort BBQ AreaBoogie board at Brennecke's Beach Boogie board at Brennecke's BeachSunbathing at Brennecke's Beach Sunbathing at Brennecke's BeachSunset off of Makahuena Cliffs Sunset off of Makahuena CliffsSnorkel at Prince Kuhio Beach Snorkel at Prince Kuhio BeachPoipu Beach Poipu BeachPoipu Beach Poipu BeachPoipu Beach Poipu BeachShipwreck Beach Shipwreck BeachShipwreck Beach Shipwreck BeachMahauleupu Trail Mahauleupu Trailspouting horn spouting hornSurfing at Sunset Surfing at SunsetKauai Coffee Farm Tours and Museum Kauai Coffee Farm Tours and MuseumKiahuna Golf Course Kiahuna Golf CourseKukuiula Harbor at Sunset Kukuiula Harbor at SunsetWaimea Canyon Waimea CanyonATV ATVZipline ZiplineWailua River Kayak Wailua River KayakSuite Paradise Poipu Kai Map Suite Paradise Poipu Kai MapSuite Paradise Office Suite Paradise OfficeSuite Paradise Office Suite Paradise OfficePoipu Beach Athletic Club Poipu Beach Athletic ClubLocal Kauai Farmers Market Local Kauai Farmers Market Pili Mai 12LAction Links Request infoBeds/Baths4 BR3 Full Baths14 GuestsSearch AvailabilityNeighborhoodPili MaiViewGarden View