Suite Paradise Mala Nani Hale Kiahuna Golf Home Poipu Mala Nani Entrance and Driveway Poipu Mala Nani Entrance and DrivewayMala Nani Hale Lovely and Comfortable Seating Area /BBQ Mala Nani Hale Lovely and Comfortable Seating Area /BBQMala Nani Hale Magnificent Course and Mountain Views Mala Nani Hale Magnificent Course and Mountain ViewsMala Nani Hale Elegant Patio Flawless Mountain Views Mala Nani Hale Elegant Patio Flawless Mountain ViewsMala Nani Hale Fresh Air and Beautiful Scenery Mala Nani Hale Fresh Air and Beautiful SceneryMala Nani Hale Perfect for Entertaining Family and Friends Mala Nani Hale Perfect for Entertaining Family and FriendsMala Nani Hale Living Room with Superb Seating Mala Nani Hale Living Room with Superb SeatingMala Nani Hale Spacious and Relaxing Living Area Mala Nani Hale Spacious and Relaxing Living AreaMala Nani Hale Dining for Six Adjacent to Equipped Kitchen Mala Nani Hale Dining for Six Adjacent to Equipped KitchenMala Nani Hale Excellent Views of Pond and Seating at Kitchen Counter Mala Nani Hale Excellent Views of Pond and Seating at Kitchen CounterPoipu Mala Nani Aerial over Kiahuna Golf Course Poipu Mala Nani Aerial over Kiahuna Golf CoursePoipu Mala Nani Master Suite with En-Suite Bathroom Poipu Mala Nani Master Suite with En-Suite BathroomMaster Suite with King Bed Master Suite with King BedPoipu Mala Nani Master Bathroom Poipu Mala Nani Master BathroomPoipu Mala Nani Master Bath with Walk-In Shower Poipu Mala Nani Master Bath with Walk-In ShowerPoipu Mala Nani Office Area with Amazing Mountain View Poipu Mala Nani Office Area with Amazing Mountain ViewPoipu Mala Nani Golf and Mountain View Poipu Mala Nani Golf and Mountain ViewPoipu Mala Nani Breakfast Nook and Lanai Overlooking Kiahuna Golf Course Poipu Mala Nani Breakfast Nook and Lanai Overlooking Kiahuna Golf CoursePoipu Mala Nani Spacious Second Level Poipu Mala Nani Spacious Second LevelPoipu Mala Nani Modernized Kitchen Poipu Mala Nani Modernized KitchenPoipu Mala Nani Kitchen Appliances Poipu Mala Nani Kitchen AppliancesPoipu Mala Nani Glassware Poipu Mala Nani GlasswarePoipu Mala Nani Second Level Stairwell Landing Poipu Mala Nani Second Level Stairwell LandingPoipu Mala Nani First Level Foyer and Stairwell Poipu Mala Nani First Level Foyer and StairwellPoipu Mala Nani Double and Twin Suite Poipu Mala Nani Double and Twin SuitePoipu Mala Nani Double and Twin En-suite Bathroom Poipu Mala Nani Double and Twin En-suite BathroomPoipu Mala Nani En-suite Bath with Shower and Tub Combo Poipu Mala Nani En-suite Bath with Shower and Tub ComboPoipu Mala Nani First Level Living Area with Foosball Poipu Mala Nani First Level Living Area with FoosballPoipu Mala Nani Large TV - Perfect for Movie Night! Poipu Mala Nani Large TV - Perfect for Movie Night!Poipu Mala Nani Queen Suite Poipu Mala Nani Queen SuitePoipu Mala Nani Guest Bathroom Poipu Mala Nani Guest BathroomPoipu Mala Nani Second Double and Twin Suite Poipu Mala Nani Second Double and Twin SuitePoipu Mala Nani Two Twin Beds Poipu Mala Nani Two Twin BedsPoipu Mala Nani Laundry Room with Washer and Dryer Poipu Mala Nani Laundry Room with Washer and DryerPoipu Mala Nani Outdoor Shower Poipu Mala Nani Outdoor ShowerPoipu Mala Nani Backyard Poipu Mala Nani BackyardPoipu Mala Nani Walk to Kiahuna Golf Course Poipu Mala Nani Walk to Kiahuna Golf CoursePoipu Mala Nani Nearby Kiahuna Golf Course Poipu Mala Nani Nearby Kiahuna Golf CourseHome Plan Home PlanKiahuna Golf Course next door Kiahuna Golf Course next doorKiahuna Golf Course Kiahuna Golf CoursePoipu Beach Athletic Club Poipu Beach Athletic ClubPoipu Beach Poipu BeachPoipu Beach Park Poipu Beach ParkPoipu Beach Park Playground Poipu Beach Park PlaygroundScenic Spouting Horn Scenic Spouting HornBoogie Boarding at Brennecke's Beach Boogie Boarding at Brennecke's BeachMahauleupu Hiking Trail Mahauleupu Hiking TrailOnolicious Treats at the Kauai Farmer's Markets Onolicious Treats at the Kauai Farmer's MarketsKauai Coffee Farm Tour and Gift Shop Kauai Coffee Farm Tour and Gift ShopHonopu beach on Napali Coast Honopu beach on Napali CoastWailua Falls Wailua FallsWailua River Kayak Wailua River KayakLocal Kauai Farmers Market Local Kauai Farmers MarketThrilling Zipline Thrilling ZiplineExhilarating ATV Tours! Exhilarating ATV Tours!Rainbow at Kalepa Ridge Trial Rainbow at Kalepa Ridge Trial Mala Nani HaleAction Links Request infoBeds/Baths5 BR3 Full Baths10 GuestsSearch AvailabilityNeighborhoodKiahunaViewGarden ViewGolf Course ViewResort: Poipu