Poipu OceanFront Best Snorkeling Beach "A/C Master" Lawai Beach 1206 Tropical Breeze with Ocean Views Lawai Beach 1206 Tropical Breeze with Ocean ViewsLawai Beach 1206 Serene Surf and Relaxation Lawai Beach 1206 Serene Surf and RelaxationLawai Beach 1206 Beautiful Grounds for a Stroll Lawai Beach 1206 Beautiful Grounds for a StrollLawai Beach 1206 Open Dining and Kitchen Lawai Beach 1206 Open Dining and KitchenLawai Beach 1206 Marvelous Counter top with Earth Tones Lawai Beach 1206 Marvelous Counter top with Earth TonesLawai Beach 1206 Beautiful Kitchen and Cabinets Lawai Beach 1206 Beautiful Kitchen and CabinetsLawai Beach 1206 Remodeled Bathroom Lawai Beach 1206 Remodeled BathroomLawai Beach 1206 Lanai View Lawai Beach 1206 Lanai ViewLawai Beach 1206 Interior Decorated Bathroom Wall Lawai Beach 1206 Interior Decorated Bathroom WallLawai Beach Resort Lawai Beach ResortLawai Beach 1206 Master Suite with King Bed Lawai Beach 1206 Master Suite with King BedAlii Pool and Jacuzzi Alii Pool and JacuzziLawai Beach 1206 Tranquil setting for Quiet Time Lawai Beach 1206 Tranquil setting for Quiet TimeBanyan Pool Banyan PoolLawai Beach 1206 Washer and Dryer Lawai Beach 1206 Washer and DryerAlii Barbecue Area Alii Barbecue AreaBanyan Jacuzzi Banyan JacuzziCoral Pool, Jacuzzi and Barbecue Area Coral Pool, Jacuzzi and Barbecue AreaRooftop Gym Rooftop GymRooftop Barbecue Area Rooftop Barbecue AreaLawai Beach Resort Walking Paths Lawai Beach Resort Walking PathsLawai Beach Resort Entrance Lawai Beach Resort EntrancePoipu Beach Athletic Club 1 Poipu Beach Athletic Club 1Poipu Beach Athletic Club 2 Poipu Beach Athletic Club 2Poipu Beach Athletic Club 3 Poipu Beach Athletic Club 3Poipu Beach Athletic Club 4 Poipu Beach Athletic Club 4Poipu Beach Athletic Club 5 Poipu Beach Athletic Club 5Poipu Beach Athletic Club 6 Poipu Beach Athletic Club 6Farmers Market 3 Farmers Market 3Farmers Market 2 Farmers Market 2Farmers Market 1 Farmers Market 1Poipu Beach 2 Poipu Beach 2Poipu Beach 3 Poipu Beach 3Poipu Beach 1 Poipu Beach 1Poipu Beach 4 Poipu Beach 4Shipwreck Beach1 Shipwreck Beach1Shipwreck Beach 2 Shipwreck Beach 2Wailua Falls Wailua FallsATV Tour ATV TourZipline Tour Zipline TourSuite Paradise Office Suite Paradise OfficeSuite Paradise Front Desk Suite Paradise Front Desk Lawai Beach 1206Action Links Request infoBeds/Baths1 BR1 Full Baths4 GuestsSearch AvailabilityNeighborhoodLawai Beach ResortViewOcean FrontOcean ViewResort: Lawai Beach Resort